Lift & Lean

Are you struggling with mid section weight gain that won’t shift?

Do you want to increase muscle tone, definition, strength, fitness and endurance?

Are you struggling to do high impact workouts due to joint pain?

What is Lift Lean?

The Lift Lean Workout is a weights and resistance training class set to timed music designed to fit into the busiest of schedules.

Weight training changes the shape of the body, increasing bone density and muscle mass, also improving mental clarity and reducing mid section weight gain. This type of exercise is often something women shy away from, thinking they may get muscular or bulky, and this is just not the case.

If you want to change the shape of your body, increase fitness and increase strength - Come and join me for this fab class!

My clients are having jaw dropping results and you can too...


  • Fat Burning
  • Increases muscle definition
  • Improves strength
  • Increases bone density
  • Improves fitness
  • Changes body shape
  • High-Intensity Interval Training
  • Is great fun!

" We designed and trialled the concept these last couple months of 2018 and have had amazing results with our participants. Strength training using weights, barbells, kettlebells and mini bands and more . . . . "

Class Details

  • Day/s: Wednesday & Friday
  • Time: 10:30 - 11:30
  • Location: Alcalans Sports Centre, Montroy
  • Price: 5€ per class paid monthly or 7€ pay as you go

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